How to Transfer data from Google Drive to Google Cloud Bucket?
Today I’m writing a very important topic that is how you can transfer data from google drive to Google Cloud bucket storage I know it's very time-consuming and frustrating when Google Colab resources (Ram, Disk Drive, GPU) are not enough to train your deep learning models or even you uploaded your data on Google Drive, and then you wanted to move to Google Cloud services with your data.
Well, there is no direct way to transfer the data from google drive to google cloud but we can sue a mediator which is Google Colab We need to follow these steps to transfer the data to google cloud buckets:
Mount Google Drive using Google Colab
from google.colab import drive
drive.mount(‘/content/gdrive’, force_remount=True)
Authenticating and Connecting with Google Cloud
from google.colab import auth
ID_of_Project_at_google_cloud= ‘nifty-depth-12345’
!gcloud config set project {ID_of_Project_at_google_cloud}
!gsutil ls
Copying data from Google Drive to Google Cloud Bucket
gc_bucket_name= ‘ImageNet_bucket’
!gsutil -m cp -r /content/gdrive/My\Drive/Data/* gs://{gc_bucket_name}/
That’s it ✔️
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